1917 wins awards
February 9, 2020 5:04 pm1917 Great News.. 1917 wins 7 BAFTA’s .. roll on the Oscars!
1917 Great News.. 1917 wins 7 BAFTA’s .. roll on the Oscars!
Some of my models for 1917 are on display at the London IMAX and other cinemas
Just added in art dept 1 images of some of the models I created for 1917
coming soon .. when I have permission .. images from the latest three feature films released that I have created models for..
Now concept modeller on Disney’s live action remake of ‘The Little Mermaid’ Modelling all things under the sea…lots of nice stuff to create!
Have pre -ordered the new Zortrax m300 dual no more manual support removal nightmare …. at last !
Great recommendation from Dennis Gassner many thanks Dennis! great to work with you
have now been appointed as concept modeller on Marvel’s The Eternals
Many thanks to Oliver Richard from 3dland – shop for his stl files he sent me for upgrades to the zortrax inkspire resin tank ..his designs will completely solve the resin/ uv cover cracking problem …sorted! thanks Oliver
I have now added to my 3d print production capabilities with a ZORTAX INKSPIRE dls resin 3d printer to supplement the 3x ZORTRAX M200 I already use The INKSPIRE prints incredibly detailed models quickly and super accurately with a minimum layer height (z axis) of an astonishing 25 microns The INKSPIRE can print in rigid or flexible resins